Monday, October 5, 2009

Aprons and 3rd Arms

My friend Monica requested an apron for her son (he'd worn his cousins pink princess one all day and she thought he might like one of his own in a less Disneyfied print). I had such fun with this (and one for his little sister too, of course), that they have become my favorite go-to present for the over 3s. They are unique, personal, and can be mailed in a regular 5x7 envelope as an oversized letter for less than $2 - a real plus when shipping across the country!

The ribbon clips Dave calls 3rd Arms because they free up your own arms for other things. I made myself one when Rosie was tiny and it made any blanket into a secure nursing shield, or sun/wind/rain/snow protection when she was in the Bjorn or just my arms.
Super simple, super handy (pun intended)!

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